Dusty Turntable

Dusty Turntable

Thursday, May 8, 2014

It's after 9 pm... do you know where your chillin's be? 
All y'all wherever ya be it ain't here ya po' souls, cuz it be a ragin' pah-tay all up in hea' with Tommy Whalen and a cast o' freakin' thousands at  J's Crab Shack in Hahtfahd y'all, I kid ya not!  Check Mary's pho-toes later on and hit me up for the longer version cuz right now I ain't got time for all that, I got me some dancin' ta do!!!  (OK that's a lie....)  We got some Liviu Pop, we got some Bob Laramie, and we us got a whole mess o' hugely talented individuals... I tol' Tommy tonight hell wit him, I was just gonna follow him around to get a whiff o' the massive talent he hangs with- wherever Tommy Whalen goes, the jam is sure to follow...

     Tommy had a big ol' jam
     His Strat was white as snow
     And everywhere that Tommy went
     The Jam was sure to go
     It followed him to school one day
     They done broke all the rules
     It made the kiddies laugh and say
     "That boy he plays so cool!"
     The strains of blues and rock & roll
     Did raise their spirits high
     And mellow songs sung nice & low
     Did make the chicas cry
     Why do we love ol' Tommy so?
     The many fans all know
     The sense of fun and fellowship
     And friendship makes us glow!

OK, we're getting pretty silly here.  It's the buzz from the vibe.
I'll have a serious go at a real 'article' for submission tomorrow.

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